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More On Selecting

In the last tutorial, we learned the basics of selecting elements with jQuery. Now, we will dive a bit deeper and write more code!

Code Demo

To explain the concepts in this tutorial, we will write some example code. The code will be as follows:

        $(this).text("A p tag")
        $(this).text("A p id")
        $(this).text("A p class")

And then, add the following couple of lines into your index.html file:

<div id="p">hi</div>
<div class="p">hi</div>

Code Result

After running your code and opening the HTML page, you'll notice something similar to what we had in the previous tutorial, but if you click on a line of text, it will change to something depending on what it is (a p tag, a div tag with and id of p, or a div tag with a class of p). So, now, let's uncover the mysteries behind this example!

What Goes In The $ Function

In the previous examples, we had a couple of strings that we passed into the $ function.

The first one was "p", and if you're familiar with CSS selectors, then you'd know that just a p means a p tag.

We also had "#p", and with CSS selectors, it means something with an id of p (represented by the hashtag). So, this would "influence" or div with the p tag.

And finally, we had ".p", which is anything with a class of p, denoted by the period. So, this affects our div with the class of p.

Other Selectors

We already learned that jQuery selectors are the same as CSS selectors. Here are a few more examples: