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Perimeter and Area

In this tutorial, we'll learn about Perimeter and Area of Polygons.

Perimeter of Polygons

Perimeter is the border around a Polygon. It is easier to calculate than Area because it only involves some simple addition.

Calculating Perimeter

To calculate perimeter, you first need to ensure that the sides of your polygon are the same units (mm, cm, km, etc.). After, you can simply add them together. However, don't forget to include units in your final answer!

For example:


Area is the amount of space a 2-D shape takes up. Calculating area gets harder as the shapes you work with get more complex, but in this tutorial, we'll learn about calculting area for rectangles. In later tutorials, we'll learn how to calculate area of circles and triangles.

Calculating Area

To calculate area for a rectangle, you first need to ensure that the sides of your rectangle are the same units (mm, cm, km, etc.). After, you can simply multiply the length and the width of your rectangle together. However, don't forget to include units in your final answer!

Also, don't forget to use units2 because you are using 2-D units.

For example: